Prayer intention of the Jericho Rosary
We offer our rosary prayer to You, Mary, in all Your intentions. Also accept it as a compensation for our sins and the sins of the whole world. Bring us all to conversion and obtain for us the grace to fulfill the Jasna Góra Vows. We also ask You to cover our city Stary Sącz and the Sądecki Land, our homeland Poland and the whole world, with Your mantle of maternal protection. Amen.

How to join the Jericho Rosary
What is the Rosary Jericho
and why the Jericho website
- Jericho rosary is a continuous rosary prayer for the given intention. It lasts for 7 days, 24 hours a day.- Usually, the rosary prayer (one part of the rosary) takes about half an hour (30 minutes). So one day, there should be at least 48 rosaries.
- In the weekly Jericho rosary, at least 336 rosaries are prayed (24x2x7).
- For the weekly Jericho rosary, 336 people are needed to cover all the hours (day and night of Polish time) of the week with the prayer.
- Our website is only a help in organizing the prayer time efficiently so that all the hours of the week are covered by the rosary prayer.
- In the whole Jericho Rosary, the most important thing is our prayer, to which the Blessed Virgin Mary constantly calls us.
- You can join our Jericho rosary in two ways.
The first way to join the Jericho – one-time prayer
- To join the one-time prayer, just fill in our form.- When you choose a one-time prayer, you have two options: "with an account" and "without an account".
- ‘One-time prayer without an account’ consists of : choosing the time of your prayer (day, hour), choosing one of the four parts of the rosary, and entering your name in the form on our website: Join the prayer (One time without an account). This form of choosing a prayer requires the approval of your entry by the administrator of our website.
- When choosing the ‘one-time prayer with an account’ (I’ve got an account) you must have an account in Jericho. You can ask a moderator to create it for you by clicking the link: Contact
- If you have an account (username and PIN code), after you define your rosary in the form, the prayer will be automatically added to the Jericho calendar.
The second way to join in Jericho – permanent prayer
- Your contact with the moderator of Jericho is required to join the permanent prayer.- You can contact the moderator by clicking the link: Contact.
- The moderator will create an account for you and then you can log in using your username and PIN code which will be sent to you in response to your request.
- Having your username and PIN code will enable you to choose one-time prayers anytime you want.
- Permanent prayer is reported to the moderator.
- Permanent prayer consists of choosing at least one day and hour a week (eg Friday - 7.30 pm). You pray the permanent rosary in our Jericho until your resignation.
- By joining the permanent prayer you will receive a text message reminding you of the beginning of your prayer time (available only in Poland) , with a short verse of the Scriptures to contemplate while praying your Rosary. You’ll also receive and email (in any part of the world) with short verses of the Scriptures.